Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rojo y Verde

Crush on You

Shutter Speed:100 F-Stop:4

Photo By: Elizabeth Wolter

Under my Umbrella

Shutter Speed:100 F-Stop:4

Photo By: Elizabeth Wolter

Up Up and Away

Shutter Speed:100 F-Stop:4

Photo By: Elizabeth Wolter


JRN 236 said...

- I like the first photo and how you cropped it!

- The three photos could have used a little variance. All very similar.

- I like the editing in the girl's face in the second photo.

JRN 236 said...

I like the framing of the first picture, draws my eye in. I like the colors they complement each other really well. I like her expression in the second picture.

JRN 236 said...

- I like the red against the blue and the sky in the third one

- I like the way the different shades of green pop out, even when they aren't next to blue.

- I feel like the umbrella in the second one is a bit distracting.

Unknown said...

I like how you used the umbrella to cover up her face, it makes her seem mysterious. I really like how you used the same theme in all three photos. I would suggest trying to tweak with the colors in photoshop to get a little more color in her face because she looks pale and cold.

JRN 236 said...

This looks like it was a fun shoot. I like the use of blue, green, and red against a clean background. Middle image is composed very nicely, applying rule of thirds. I also like your angle in the bottom photo. It would have been interesting to see the top image shot a bit looser.

JRN 236 said...

I like how you cropped the first photo.
I like how she places the scarf close to her face.
The third photo with the umbrella seems too distracting.

JRN 236 said...

I really like the colors you used in all three photos.

I love the angle on the third photo and the door behind her.

I think the bottle on her head is a bit distracting.

JRN 236 said...

The bright colors make these photographs very fun. I composition of the first is very interesting.I feel like the umbrella in the second one is a bit distracting.

JRN 236 said...

i love how you almost conveyed a story using all three photos. i like how the umbrella covers her face in the 2nd one. The umbrella in the 3rd photograph almost draws your eye away from the contrast

JRN 236 said...

I like how you didn't show her whole face in the first two photos.
I love how the green shirt stands out.
The third photo maybe could be cropped more.

JRN 236 said...

I like the cropping of the first photo.

In the second photo I love how the lines in the photo seem close to being parallel but are off by a little. It draws your eye to the top left.

I feel like there is almost too much color in the third picture. You almost don't know where to look.

JRN 236 said...

1. I love the fun energy of these photos.

2. I really like how you used the same model with different subjects for color.

3. I think the third photo would look good if some of the white ski was cropped out.

JRN 236 said...

All 3 pictures display life and color in a way that makes the subject more alive than if it hadn't had those colors, which I really like.

The umbrella could have been in focus more in the 2nd photo.

The headband is a cool touch of color that adds to the pictures.

JRN 236 said...

Your colors really stand out in all of your photos.

I really like your cropping in all or your photos.

I've noticed that most of your photos have been taken in the dugouts. I would encourage you to go explore other realms. Branch out a bit.
